Versed AI named a Gartner Cool Vendor

8th November 2022

We’re thrilled to announce that Gartner has recognised Versed AI as one of three Cool Vendors in Sourcing and Procurement Technologies. Gartner offers market-leading insights and is an authority on enterprise software, advising large enterprises on the best-fit technologies and toolsets for digital transformation. Koray Köse is a thought leader in supply chain and digital procurement, advising supply chain executives at Fortune 500 companies.

So what’s a Cool Vendor?

Gartner defines it as: “A start-up offering a technology or service that is: 

Innovative — Enables users to do things they couldn’t do before 

Impactful — Has or will have a business impact — not just technology for its own sake 

Intriguing — Has caught Gartner’s interest during the past six months.”

Let’s dive into that a bit more.

Innovative - Our automated supply chain mapping allows companies to get visibility into their sub-tiers faster than ever before.

Impactful - Supply chain visibility enables proactive risk management, cost savings, due diligence, carbon footprint and modern slavery reporting. It’s even a source of competitive advantage. 

Intriguing - Customers have discovered previously-unknown insights like concentration risks, common Tier n suppliers and geographic exposure, enabling impactful action and scenario planning. 

We’re proud and honoured to be listed as a Cool Vendor this year. But the hard work doesn’t stop there. We work day-in, day-out to improve our cutting-edge AI and help customers get better, faster supply chain visibility than ever before. 

Interested? Get in touch.

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